Our Purpose
To connect professionals with the experts who can teach, mentor, and guide them.
Our Mission
ABAC, LLC. is an independent, woman-owned online continuing education and professional development center. Our mission is to consistently offer high-quality instruction and training to behavioral health, mental health, education, and business professionals on ethical, effective, and evidence-based solutions that improve performance, communication, safety, and quality of life.
Our Values
Our company culture is rooted in the tenets of the golden rule, teamwork, inclusion and acceptance, and giving back and provides a solid foundation for ongoing organic growth inspired by the needs of our employees, our guest speakers, and most importantly, the global community of professionals we support.
Why We Do It
ABAC has one purpose – to connect professionals working with at-risk, vulnerable, and/or under-served individuals with the experts who can teach, mentor, and guide them. Why? Because when we have access to the resources we need, we can make a difference.
What do we mean by individuals at-risk? We consider an at-risk individual anyone who could be harmed or who could commit harm physically, emotionally, financially, professionally or otherwise. All people may be at-risk at one point or another in their lives and may be at-risk for harm in multiple ways at the same time.
ABAC Live Events
A Live Event is an synchronous learning experience that occurs via the internet during which the Presenter(s) and Learners in attendance interact in real time. Live Events grants credit in the form of continuing education credit hours, continuing education units (CEUs), or professional development hours. During a Live Event, the Presenter's video camera is on while they are speaking. In addition, using a screen share feature, the Presenter will share slides and during the Live event, Learners can reference handouts if the Presenter has provided them to ABAC to distribute to Learners. Generally speaking, Live Events are all lecture-based presentations- the difference between them is how the Presenter chooses to interact with the Learners. At a minimum, all Live Events include opportunities for Learners to ask the Presenter questions and make comments to each other and to the Presenter within the chat feature. Interactions may include the Presenter asking Learners knowledge-based or survey questions, Learners responding to Presenter questions, Learners asking the Presenter questions, and Learners commenting on something the Presenter said. Live Events are presented using a third-party online meeting platform and are recorded using the third-party online meeting recording feature.
ABAC Courses
A Course is an asynchronous online learning experience which grants credit in the form of continuing education credit hours, continuing education units (CEUs), or professional development hours. Courses are accessed on-demand via an assigned Portal found within the ABAC Learning Management System.
ABAC Fidelity-Based Training Programs
A Fidelity-Based Training Program is an intensive training opportunity in which Learners participate in weekly meetings with a small cohort led by the Trainer. Expected learning outcomes are clearly defined and both informal evaluations of performance based on Learner verbal reports and formal evaluation of Learner fidelity are used throughout the Program. Participants are required to employ the procedures, appraise their performance, and submit video or other evidence of implementation to be evaluated by the Trainer.

The Applied Behavior Analysis Center, LLC (ABAC) is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.
Accreditation Start: 5/1/2022
Accreditation Expiration: 4/30/2027
Who recognizes the IACET CEU?
Learn More About the ANSI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training
Verify our IACET Accreditation
Who We Serve
- Thousands of professionals who are interested in attending high-quality, clinically relevant, and timely programs while earning continuing education credit.
- The global audience of professionals who rely on ABAC to deliver intellectually stimulating Live Events in partnership with highly respected strategic partner organizations.
- The network of presenters who trust ABAC to provide them with a concierge experience from start to finish.
How We Do It
- ABAC uses data from needs analyses, feedback from evaluations, professional organization statements regarding member continuing education needs, and publicly available data to contribute to our understanding about our audience’s continuing education needs.
- ABAC uses a iterative process when Live Events are repeated to ensure that the presentation is current, accurate, and meets the needs of ABAC Learners.
- Courses are never "ever green." ABAC reviews the course content, evaluations, quiz data, and other metrics on a regular basis and requires that content, test questions, and resources are updated when necessary.